
Vidyajyoti as the name denotes *Light of Wisdom* was officially inaugurated as the Pastoral Centre of the Diocese of Irinjalakuda in the year 1978.The preaching of St.Thomas the Apostle of Jesus who came to Cranganore in A.D. 52 in the Eparchy of Irinjalakuda is the model and the way of the ecclesial endeavors of this people of God .As St. Thomas who brought the light of faith from the Cross of Jesus and removed the darkness of evil and ignorance, the mission of Vidyajyoti is to impart the love of Jesus which surpasses every other knowledge and to spread the light of truth.
Vidyajyoti is the Pastoral Centre primarily intended for the promotion of the catechetical purposes having its Director as Fr.Dr.Rejoy Pazhayattil and Assistant Director, Fr.Jijo Menoth, the Administrator team, the Catechism Council, the auxiliary staff work together for the effective ministry of catechesis.
Presently there are 36144 students attending the Sunday catechism classes in 147 parishes/centre/units. 3410 teachers wholeheartedly dedicate themselves for the faith formation. The students’ proficiency and efficiency in the catechetical formation is evaluated in various ways.
Vidyajyoti is a trust owned by the Diocese of Irinjalakuda under the leadership of Chairman His Excellency Mar Pauly Kannookadan, Bishop of Eparchy /Diocese of Irinjalakuda registered on 13th of August 2014 (No.17399).
The Board of Trustees are : Chairman: Mar Pauly Kannookadan, Syncellus: Msgr. Jose Manjaly, Finance Officer: Rev. Fr. Varghese Arikatt,Catechism Director: Fr.Dr.Rejoy Pazhayattil, Catechism Asst. Director: Jijo Menoth
The beginning / Origin
The objective of the Catechetical Centre in the Diocese of Irinjalakuda when it was newly formed in 1978 was to cherish and enrich the flame of faith and provide training to the young generation to grow in Spiritual Orientation, Value Foundation and the Ways of the Church.Rev. Fr. Joseph Kadambatt was appointed as the first Catechetical Director of the Centre on 18th October 1978. The activities of the initial phase were coordinated at B.L.M, Aloor and Providence Home, Irinjalakuda. The present `Vidyajyoti – the Diocesan Catechetical and Pastoral Centre was elevated to the current status and blessed by the Bishop ,Mar James Pazhayattil on 9th September,1982 and is situated in the plot of land donated by St. Thomas Cathedral Parish, Irinjalakuda and perform for the formation and maturation of a truly Christian life through the active and efficient lifeline of faith-training.The ownership right of the property was transferred in the name of Vidyajyoti in 2004, as per book I, No.593 of the deed registered at the Sub Treasury Office, Irinjalakuda, when Rev. Fr. Sebastian Maliakkal was the Vicar of the St. Thomas Cathedral.
The cradle of Christian faith in India is Kodungallur which is situated in the Eparchy of Irinjalkuda. And the faith formation department of Vidyajyoti has a great privilege and duty to impart the faith received from Jesus through St.Thomas, the Apostle, and our Father in Faith. Let the charity of Christ impel us to be true Christians by knowing Jesus clearly, loving Jesus dearly and following Jesus nearly.
Following are the Directors:
1. Rev. Fr. Joseph Kadambatt (1982-84)
2. Rev. Fr. Jacob Puthussery (1984-87)
3. Rev.Fr. Sebastian Maliakkal (1987-94)
4. Rev.Fr. Joy Puthenveettil (1994-97)
5. Rev.Fr. Pauly Kannookadan (1997- 2004)
6. Rev.Fr. Jolly Vadakan (2004 -2009)
7. Rev. Fr. George Vezhaparambil (2009- 2015)
8. Rev.Fr.Tom Maliakkal. (2015- 2021 )
9. Rev.Dr.Rejoy Pazhayattil (From 2021)